
Empowering Youth Through Cricket, Football, and Martial Arts

ZKF encourages the youth of Peshawar to take up Sports activities not only for their personal physical fitness but also to adopt it for their career development as a professional player especially in Cricket and Football as well as in Martial Arts. Land measuring 5.5 acres (44 kanal) was acquired and donated by a German Philanthropist / Patron of ZKF Ms. Angelika Weller in 2012. It is a walled & gated ZKF Sports Ground located on the service road diagonally opposite the Peshawar Toll Plaza on the M-1 Motorway (GPS Coordinates Latitude: 34.032133 Longitude: 71.666833)

Presently, Cricket is being played there by about 30 teams of Peshawar city and its rural periphery areas. Partnership with private investors is sought to further develop the facility as a Sports Complex where opportunities for “Futsal” and “Martial Arts” can also be offered and women are specially encouraged to participate.

Empowering of DZMS as ZKF Football Team

Empowering of DZMS as ZKF Cricket Team

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